88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

How To Look Younger: The Importance Of Fruits

It has been repeated over and over again about the importance of consuming fruits. Fruits should form part of our daily diet and should not be discarded in any way. Fruits form one of the most important part of our diet as shown in the food pyramid system. Generally, there are many benefits of eating food on a regular basis.

1. Lower risk of illnesses
Firstly, fruits lower your risk of getting illnesses and diseases. It has known that fruits contain many good vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body. They may serve as a booster to your body's immune system and strengthen them. In this way, you will not fall sick as easily. Consuming the right fruits with the right quantity can help prevent illnesses like cancers, heart diseases, stroke, kidney stones and bone loss. Eating fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet can be part of an alternative and complementary treatment against symptoms, illness, conditions and even disease. Imagine the benefits of treatment coming from the vital nutrients within certain fruits and vegetables without the harsh and painful side effects of certain medications!

2. Hydrate the body

Secondly, most fruits are high in water content. When consumed, they act as a hydrating agent for the body. They will be able to help hydrate the body and prevent heatiness within the body. Fruits like watermelon is such example. Consuming this fruit is essentially the same as drinking sufficient water. In fact studies have shown that consuming fruits hydrate the body effectively than drinking water.Water-rich fruit and vegetables act like a two-in-one meal and drink, providing the mineral salts, natural sugars, amino acids and vitamins that are lost in exercise.

3. Healthy source of energy

Also, since our body needs energy in order to perform work, we can actually find them in most fruits. In fact, the energy found in fruits are a lot more healthier and can be easily digested. Fruits can easily be digested by the body too! Fruits like Banana when consumed in the morning provides great amount of energy for the day!

4. Youthful skin to look younger

As mentioned,water forms the main bulk of the content in fruits. Taking in sufficient water content helps in hydrating your body and skin. Many women, despite going on a diet, still maintains a youthful healthy skin because they take in many fruits and vegetables when on a diet. Some fruits also have anti-aging properties that can slow down the aging process for the body! Moreover, some fruits contain collagen-producing substance that can make one look more youthful!

Some fruits that is recommended for a more youthful look includes:







Remember to eat fruits everyday! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


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