88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Thursday 25 April 2013

How To Look Younger: 88 Natural Ways To Look Younger eBook

88 Natural Ways To Look Younger eBook

Do you want to look younger than your actual age? Do you want to know How To Look Younger?

Gain back your self-esteem when you were younger

Be sexually attractive

Very confident & outgoing

Do things that you were doing when you were younger

Create a youthful impression upon others

It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are now, how you look like now. The fact is that right here, you are presented with a
golden opportunity to be able to look a decade (or even 2) younger than your actual age! We will teach you the secrets and ways on how to look younger!

Results are proven to work: Shed away extra years off your look or your money back!

‘A real proven method to look younger within months!’

You are literally seconds away from getting the revolutionized, latest Look Younger eBook, 88 Natural Ways on How To Look Younger!

This eBook will contain all the secrets you need to know about looking younger!



Sleeping Pattern

Make-up techniques

Dressing styles


Skin maintenance

Other facts you need to know about looking younger

Donts’ to looking younger

Myths that you need to know about looking younger

Well to be honest, there is no other eBooks available in the market teaching people how to look younger! My eBook is the first ever made available for the world! Yes and this eBook is bound to help millions of people worldwide to look younger!

100% Safe

100% Natural ways on How To Look Younger

The first ever product in the market

Simple, concise, easy-to-understand and use

Cost effective

Contact us: 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Website: www.88naturalwaystolookyounger.com

Sunday 21 April 2013

How To Look Younger: Foods To Avoid

Food plays a vital part in your health and how you look. What you eat, in many circumstances, affect your overall health and external disposition. Eating the wrong food can destroy your health and body, while eating the right food can benefit you in the long run. It is therefore crucial to choose the right food to consume for your body! Remember, whatever you put into your body will be there forever. There is no way you can easily extract out food you have consumed from your body. Today, i will be telling you what kinds of food you should avoid in order to know how to look younger!

1. Fatty oily food

With the influx in junk food and fast food restaurants, it is pretty hard to resist that temptation when it comes to good food. The rapid increase in fast food chains globally has resulted in the tremendous problem of obesity and heart diseases. People are getting such diseases at an ever younger age. Fried food for example are high in fatty acids which can damage your arteries, spike your blood sugar and cause weight gain easily. Whats more worrying is that this weight gain resulted from consumption of fatty oily food is harder to get rid of. And you do know that an overweight frame suggests aging and unhealthy lifestyle.

To make matters worse, many of the fatty oily food you consume outside are often being made from over-used oil, which are cancer causing. Such oil are harder to be digested by the body as well. Avoid these food if you want to know how to look younger!

2. Sweet Sugary food

Many food in which sugar was originally derived from like sugar cane may contain many nutrients required by the body to properly metabolize the final isolated chemical known as sugar. Sugar consumption is many a times associated with weight gain. Consumption of sugar in high amount may not only cause illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, etc. but a long term consumption may get you addictive and prevents you from losing weight easily. An overweight frame will make you look older and unhealthy. Therefore, it is advised to reduce our consumption of sugar, or opt for a healthier and natural source of sweetener.

3. Preserved food

The main purpose of food preservatives is mainly to keep it longer so that it can be consumed on a longer term basis. There is however an indirect relationship between the amount of preservatives used in food and the negative health effects it has on our body. It has been studied that preservatives will cause many types of medical issues, even though many  has termed it a necessary evil, given the rising need for such food in an ever globalized world.

Preserved food cause premature aging due to its preserved contents. It has many unknown negative effects which have yet to be studied upon. It is best to minimize our consumption of preserved food and try to opt for natural and fresh food. Avoid these food if you want to know how to look younger!

4. Fizzy drinks

Fizzy drink is a popular drink among people during gatherings and parties. It is however one of the most evil culprits in our diet. It is very high in sugar. 20 minutes after consumption, your blood sugar spikes. Over time, this can lead to type 2 diabetes and sugar overload if consumed daily. As mentioned, overweight frame suggests aging and it is hard to get rid of this excess weight. Also, it has been studied that fizzy drinks causes kidney issues and due to its high levels of phosphoric acid. To make matters worse, it can lead to addiction. So, try to eliminate it from your diet today!

5. Processed meats

Processed meats are extremely high in fat and sodium. There are also added chemicals and fatty acids in them that can actually spike up your sugar level and cholesterol level. Over time, it is easy to get type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases from over consumption of such food. Many processed meat contain 10-11grams of fats per frank, and this figure is extremely alarming. Obesity is also another common concern from the consumption of processed meat. You can opt for healthy meat like fish, chicken that are fresh in the wet market!

Remember to avoid these foods to know how to look younger! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Tuesday 16 April 2013

How To Look Younger: Having Whiter Teeth

A whiter teeth makes you look brighter than ever! Even when you smile, a bright white set of tooth will naturally make you glow and seems more youthful. It is very important to have a set of white tooth to make you look younger! It is one of the easiest ways on how to look younger naturally!

There are many ways in which you can start doing now to achieve that bright white smile you have always longed for.

1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly; 2-4 minutes each time, 3 times a day

One of the ways on how to have a good set of teeth is to brush your teeth regularly after meals.I bet your dentist has informed you numerous times of the importance of brushing your teeth. It cleanses your teeth and get rid of food and dirt particles that may be stuck in between your teeth. Food that are stuck in between your teeth and not removed may cause tooth decay over time. It is recommended to brush your teeth 3 times a day, morning, before you sleep and once during the day after your lunch. Make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly.

2. Use a good toothpaste

Using a good toothpaste can also ensure you a good set of teeth! Invest in a good toothpaste that been clinically tested and proven to help maintain your teeth! Colgate is one such brand that is very popular and effective in maintaining your teeth! You may also choose whitening toothpaste to brighten your smile! Get a toothpaste with the ADA seal.

3. Avoid colourful food

You should avoid colored food like sweets, chocolates, candies, pastries that may stain your teeth. Such food may not only cause tooth decay at a faster rate but also  stain your teeth which makes you looks sloppy, unhygienic and older.

4. Avoid Smoking

Smoking has been known to cause tooth decay at a tremendous speed. If you notice those smokers who smoke regularly, they usually have bad teeth, either many of their tooth have been damaged, or many of them are stained horribly. Smokers generally have yellowish set of tooth which makes them appear older and unhygienic.

5. Using a soft toothbrush

It is also important to choose the right toothbrush to maintain a good set of tooth. Buy a good soft toothbrush that will not damage your tooth and gums. Using a hard toothbrush may erode the enamel on your tooth. Softer toothbrush are also usually more thinner in diameter and can easily brush away food particles stuck in between your teeth.

6. Adding baking soda to your toothpaste

A good home remedy that can whiten your teeth is to add baking soda on your toothpaste when brushing your teeth. It is a widely known fact that baking soda. It just takes days before you can really see the difference in your teeth. Baking soda is cheap and readily available. It is one of the ways to get a whiter set of tooth.

7. Add more calcium to your diet

We know that our teeth are made from calcium. To protect the health of your teeth, consume more food high in calcium. Calcium help build strong bones and prevent it from being damaged more easily. Food like milk, cheese, yoghurt are all high in calcium and should be consumed regularly to protect your teeth. 

Remember to protect the health of your teeth to look younger! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day! 

Thursday 11 April 2013

How To Look Younger: Hairstyles That Shed Away Years Off Your Looks

Hairstyle is another important aspect on helping one to look younger. Certain hairstyle may make you look weird and old, while some may add youth to your disposition. It is also important to take note that the shape of your face has to be taken into consideration when choosing a particular hairstyle. Some hairstyle may fit someone else's face, but may not fit you. In this post, i will be showing you some of the most commonly used hairstyles that Men and Women of all generations have used that can make you look younger than you are! For some of you, you face and features may change over time, that is why it is necessary to change your hairstyle as well as you age. Finding the right color and cut for your hair can really change your look and create a different perspectives upon others. This is one of the ways on how to look younger.


BoB Cut

Bob cut is a classic hairstyle where the ends are cut just around the chin's length and aligned close to the facial area. In the past, such hairstyle was not very popular as they were deemed not respectable in society. Women in the past generally had to keep long hair. Such hairstyle is suitable for women who has round small face. Such hair cut gives a light feeling to the look of the person, and also gives a fashionable and cool aura. Many women in their 50s have also mustered the courage to have such hair cut now. Singer Madonna once had such a hair cut and was very popular among her fans.This is one of the ways on how to look younger.

Dutch Brait

Dutch brait involves a hairstyle that requires several steps and procedures, which when mastered, can be a good skill to have. A Dutch braid is a braid that appears to be braided "into" the hair, often described as braided backwards strands, going under instead of over as in a French braid. You need to practice to make it perfect. An untidy brait will make you look unkempt and unprofessional. This type of hairstyle is generally suitable for women with a longer or elongated face. Such hairstyle gives you a more youthful appearance as such braits are often used by young teenage girls and young adults. However, many women in their late 30s and 40s are also brave enough to have such hairstyle. Of course, you need to have long enough hair that are of equal length to have a brait.

Feathered Hair

This hairstyle was popular back in the 80s and 70s, surprisingly both for Men and Women. This involves the hair being kept long from the sides till it touches the ear, or in some cases long enough to touch the shoulder. The hair is then kept unlayered, and in some cases involves a center parting.  Hair at the side will be brushed back to give a feather like appearance. Such hairstyle was popular back in 70s and 80s particularly due to Farrah Fawcett portrayal of the character Jill Munroe, a young woman who was lively and positive. Such hairstyle gives the person a more lively and fun disposition.

Hime Cut

Hime cut is very popular among the Japanese ladies. It consists of cheek-length sidelocks and frontal fringe. The rest of the hair at the back is long and straightened. Such hairstyle is suitable for any women, although it involves high maintenance costs for maintaining such hairstyle. There are various variations of such hairstyles today, but the most common one can be seen from the picture on the right. Japanese women love this hairstyle as it gives women an innocent and youthful disposition.

Spiky Punk

Spiky punk is a funky and cool hairstyle, involving a women spiking up all their hairs like spikes. It involves a lot of gel since women's hair are thicker and longer. It costs a lot of money and time to maintain such hairstyle. Such hairstyle is very popular among women with tougher and more 'gung-ho' personality. Tomboys love such hairstyle too. Such hairstyle gives woman a funky, cool and outgoing disposition, giving the impression of youth, although some may find it obnoxious and rude.


Shag hairstyle is a choppy layered hairstyle, involving the presence of layers to create fullness in the crown and fringes around the edges. Women in their 40s love this hairstyle as it gives them confidence and sexiness as it shows off one's cool and edgy look. Sharon Stone has one of the best Choppy shags. She looks youthful, fun, and lively. Since it involves short length hairstyle, women feel cooler with this hairstyle.



It involves men shaving the hair at the sides and leaving only a bundle of hair at the centre of their head, often spiking up these middle hair. It gives a punky and funky look to the men. It is often referred to as an Iro. Such hairstyle is very popular among gangsters and rebels as it shows audacity and vigor! However, such high-maintenance style due to constant shaving and careful trimming, coupled with its bad image and reputation is shunned by many other men. To date, manyd. varieties of Mohawk has emerged.

Regular Taper cut

This type of hairstyle is very common among men. It involves a combable length of hair  on top, defined short sides or sometimes can be long on the sides too. Some people may also call this the businessman cut or professional cut. Such hairstyle is popular among men as it fits any facial shapes and sizes. Also, it gives a sense of status and neatness to the men's disposition. Such hairstyle is also easy to maintain, easy to style on a daily basis, and shows a good "Men" image. Being neat for men is already a good sign and can show one's youth. Men do not need to be fashionable in their hairstyle to show youth. Being neat in itself is already a good sign.Being neat for men is one of the ways on how to look younger.


This is also another common hairstyle among men. It involves spiking some, or all the hair like spines. Some men may prefer to only spike a certain area of their hair, while some may want to spike it all. Depending on their facial features and shapes, some men look good on all spikes, while some look good on semi-spikes.

There are many variations of style in terms of spiking one's hair, but generally, a men should spike it neatly and with a sense of neatness and organization. Spiky is different from mohawk or Punk as these two shows more audacity and arrogance. For spiky to work and show off one's youth, he should not have too long a hair and should spike it neatly.

Remember to style your hair appropriately! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day! 

Tuesday 9 April 2013

How To Look Younger: Smoking VS Ageing

It has been repeatedly said that smoking is bad for your health, but many still do not know how smoking can also affect one's looks. Smoking can in fact make you look older than you are. Smoking is one of the worst way one can do to make him/herself look decades older. In fact, recent study has showed that an average person smoking half a pack of cigarette a day will look 10-15 years older than their peers who do not. While there are many harmful effects of smoking like cancer, high blood pressure and stroke, i will not be explaining those in detail but will be focusing more on how smoking will affect your chances on looking years younger. If you want to know how to look younger. read on further.

Smoking causes premature ageing of skin

Smoking causes one's skin to form wrinkles at a much faster rate. Some men who are in their 40s and smoke, may look like he is in his late 50s. The smoke from cigarette may also stick on your skin and causes yellowing of your skin. Moreover, smokers usually smell bad and many non-smokers tend to avoid staying too close to heavy smokers. Heavy smokers, especially women, have sagging skin after a certain age.

Also, smoking hampers blood supply, depriving of the skin the amount of oxygen and nutrients it needs. Thus, smokers usually neglect their skin of necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients from staying healthy. Over time, this can damage skin fibers and tissues, causing visible stretch marks in certain parts of the body.

Smoking causes hair loss

Harmful chemicals emitted from smoking, when interacting with the hair, may cause damage to hair follicles, resulting in early hair loss and greying hair. You can easily notice that many heavy smokers, especially will be bald by the time they are in their 40s. It is not uncommon. While it is true that men are more prone to hair loss than women, the latter can experience greying hair faster than men. Some people may choose to dye their hair, but this may further add on harmful chemicals to your hair roots and pores. It is best to avoid smoking at all costs!

Smoking causes watery and oxygen-deficient eyes

Do you notice that heavy smokers tend to have red puffy watery eyes? This can be caused by the harmful smoke produced when one is smoking. Also, since smoking disrupts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the organs in the body, the most notable signs that a 3rd part can see in a heavy smoker is through the eyes. Some heavy smokers may experience itching sensation around the eyes too. In certain situations, Nightly nicotine withdrawal can disrupt sleep patterns, causing bags or dark circles under the eyes.Over time, some patients may experience cataract issues. Having watery puffy red eyes is not only ugly, but it ages you externally!

Smoking deteriorates your teeth and gums

Many cigarette packs have shown smokers with decayed tooth and heavily damaged gums, but these have not stopped many smokers from doing so. Even though these images may seem rather disturbing, the addiction that heavy smokers have towards smoking is far greater than its temptation. Although some of these images may seem a little exaggerated, there is no denial that smoking does decay one's tooth over a period of time. Smoking also stains your teeth and causes yellowish appearance on your tooth.

To make matters worse, heavy smokers have a tendency to have deep pockets between teeth and gums. These effects will undoubtedly make you look like an older individual.

Having described the physical effects of smoking and how it will dampen your external looks to make you look a lot older, i hope many of you reading this will not smoke, or for those who are smoking to reduce your intake and eliminate smoking from your lifestyle. Smoking is just bad in overall for your health; it depletes your savings and cause you to look old!

Remember not to smoke people! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day!