88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Sunday 21 April 2013

How To Look Younger: Foods To Avoid

Food plays a vital part in your health and how you look. What you eat, in many circumstances, affect your overall health and external disposition. Eating the wrong food can destroy your health and body, while eating the right food can benefit you in the long run. It is therefore crucial to choose the right food to consume for your body! Remember, whatever you put into your body will be there forever. There is no way you can easily extract out food you have consumed from your body. Today, i will be telling you what kinds of food you should avoid in order to know how to look younger!

1. Fatty oily food

With the influx in junk food and fast food restaurants, it is pretty hard to resist that temptation when it comes to good food. The rapid increase in fast food chains globally has resulted in the tremendous problem of obesity and heart diseases. People are getting such diseases at an ever younger age. Fried food for example are high in fatty acids which can damage your arteries, spike your blood sugar and cause weight gain easily. Whats more worrying is that this weight gain resulted from consumption of fatty oily food is harder to get rid of. And you do know that an overweight frame suggests aging and unhealthy lifestyle.

To make matters worse, many of the fatty oily food you consume outside are often being made from over-used oil, which are cancer causing. Such oil are harder to be digested by the body as well. Avoid these food if you want to know how to look younger!

2. Sweet Sugary food

Many food in which sugar was originally derived from like sugar cane may contain many nutrients required by the body to properly metabolize the final isolated chemical known as sugar. Sugar consumption is many a times associated with weight gain. Consumption of sugar in high amount may not only cause illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, etc. but a long term consumption may get you addictive and prevents you from losing weight easily. An overweight frame will make you look older and unhealthy. Therefore, it is advised to reduce our consumption of sugar, or opt for a healthier and natural source of sweetener.

3. Preserved food

The main purpose of food preservatives is mainly to keep it longer so that it can be consumed on a longer term basis. There is however an indirect relationship between the amount of preservatives used in food and the negative health effects it has on our body. It has been studied that preservatives will cause many types of medical issues, even though many  has termed it a necessary evil, given the rising need for such food in an ever globalized world.

Preserved food cause premature aging due to its preserved contents. It has many unknown negative effects which have yet to be studied upon. It is best to minimize our consumption of preserved food and try to opt for natural and fresh food. Avoid these food if you want to know how to look younger!

4. Fizzy drinks

Fizzy drink is a popular drink among people during gatherings and parties. It is however one of the most evil culprits in our diet. It is very high in sugar. 20 minutes after consumption, your blood sugar spikes. Over time, this can lead to type 2 diabetes and sugar overload if consumed daily. As mentioned, overweight frame suggests aging and it is hard to get rid of this excess weight. Also, it has been studied that fizzy drinks causes kidney issues and due to its high levels of phosphoric acid. To make matters worse, it can lead to addiction. So, try to eliminate it from your diet today!

5. Processed meats

Processed meats are extremely high in fat and sodium. There are also added chemicals and fatty acids in them that can actually spike up your sugar level and cholesterol level. Over time, it is easy to get type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases from over consumption of such food. Many processed meat contain 10-11grams of fats per frank, and this figure is extremely alarming. Obesity is also another common concern from the consumption of processed meat. You can opt for healthy meat like fish, chicken that are fresh in the wet market!

Remember to avoid these foods to know how to look younger! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

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