88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Sunday 7 April 2013

How To Look Younger Through Dressing

Dressing is another crucial aspect on how to look younger! Dressing well would leave a lasting impression on others and dressing horribly will mark a vivid horrid image in the minds of others. In the same way, your dressing would implicate and suggest your age and personality. Dressing to look younger is a very important skill that many women and men these days lack. You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on designer apparels, but you need to know the techniques and have the good visual sense to do so.Let's begin!

Rule No1: Mingle with younger people, think young, feel young

When you interact more with younger folks, you will learn more about their fashion style and dressing. Instinctively, you will learn and pick up their style too. Younger folks these days usually know how to dress well and you shouldn't be shy to follow suit. Check our stores meant for younger generation to get a feel of what it feels like to be young again! You need to embrace your inner youth! You can also read fashion magazines to keep up with the current trend and see what others are wearing. Check out high-fashion magazines, such as "Vogue," and magazines aimed toward the regular consumer, such as "Jane" magazine.

Rule No2: Incorporate colors into your dressing

Vibrant colors like yellow, white, pink, ocean blue, gives a youthful disposition to your dressing. Looking young is very much about choosing the right colors. However bear in mind not to dress too outlandishly. Don't exaggerate too much either. Younger folks usually like to incorporate lighter colors into their dressing and so can you! So be daring too! Don't be afraid to be mocked and criticized. You shouldn't let worry get in the way to your dressing to look younger. This is one of the secrets to dressing on how to look younger.

Rule No3: Add accessories to your dressing 

Handbags! Earrings! Bangles! Necklaces! And many more! These accessorizes are things that most elderly people don't use. So if you don't use them in your dressing, you are only going to make people think that you are growing old. Young people always compliment their dressing with accessories and these make them youthful! You need to start selecting good accessories to wear. Accessories don't have to be expensive. They can be simple yet easy to match with your clothing. However, you also need to make sure your accessories are not too over the top that it can make you a laughing stock. 

Rule No4: Heels Girls!

Whether you are in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, Girls, you need your heels! Heels accentuate your figure! It creates a slender and more toned figure to your overall disposition and creates an overall youthful look. Be careful to the kind of heels you wear. The best heels i would recommend on how to look younger would be Pumps; high heeled shoes.

Rule No5: Dress neatly

The most important tip i can give for you on how to look younger in terms of your dressing is to dress neatly! Dressing neatly and proper can make you years younger instantly. It shows that you put in effort and dedication to groom yourself. Dressing untidily and sloppily make you look weak, lazy and unkempt. Tug in your shirt if you need to, wear your tie correctly, iron your clothes if you need to etc. These are some of the ways on how to look younger

Most importantly, bring confidence to your dressing! Wearing a tuxedo while feeling uncomfortable and uneasy will not help to make you look younger either! Start showing pride in what you wear and be confident! This is one of the ways on how to look younger

Watch out for these signs!!!!!!
What can be aging you in your dressing?
1) Wearing the same old belt you have worn for years
2) Wearing old school Silk-Scarf
3) Wearing something too safe all the time; the mediocre dressing
4) Visible undies
5) Sloppy and haphazard dressing
6) Following outdated past trends
7) Too Much Razzle-Dazzle! Too much bling-bling!

Remember to dress well to look younger! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day! 

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