88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Thursday 4 April 2013

How To Look Younger Through A Proper Diet

Diet plays a vital role in your appearance. Certain food can cause you to age faster than your age, while some food can aid you in looking years younger. With the development of technology and influx in many processed foods around the world, problems like obesity, high blood pressure and cancer are on the rise. There is no denial that the food you put into your body can affect not only your health, but your external appearance too! Certain food will guide you on how to look younger!

How has Diet revolutionized?

Over the past few decades, the advancement in technology and globalization have brought about a greater amount of food supply and choices for people. There are increased amount unhealthy food as well as healthy food in the market. It is only through one's individual conscious mind to choose the right food for them! You need to take control of your body and choose what to eat to look younger!

Canned food, processed food, fermented food, preserved food are those things that came about only recently in the past few decades. These were not present centuries ago, and the diet that people had way back in the early hundreds were mostly natural, unprocessed food that were healthy.

Today, the food we eat is usually high in fat, sugar and salt. It is advisable that if you want to look younger, you have to consume them in moderate quantity.

How to look younger through diet?

It has been repeated over and over again that a diet high in fruits and vegetables are the best to help you look younger! You may not know the scientific reason behind this. But let me explain. A high consumption of fruits and vegetables make it easier for digestion to take place. You get all the nutrients and vitamins you need easily from fruits and vegetables, and they are high in fibre and water too. All these substances are crucial to help maintain a healthy body, a smooth complexion, and a rejuvenating body that helps you look more youthful!

Do you notice that Men generally age faster than women in general as they gets older? Many men have a tendency to eat meat and processed canned food, and neglect their appearance. Meat has a higher level of fat content, and when consumed, will mess with your body's collagen and elastin, disrupting your skin's firmness and elasticity. If you need to eat meat to have your protein, you can always opt for healthy fish meat, like salmon, tuna etc.

Water is also important if you want to look younger! Drinking enough water helps retain your skin's elasticity and maintain the proper digestive function within your body!

Also, food that are high in anti-oxidants are good as they help fight free-radicals and prevent degeneration of skin cells in the body!

Generally, these are some food that you may consider to start incorporating into your daily lifestyle if you want to look younger:

-Green tea

Remember to start eating healthy guys! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day! 

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