88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Saturday 6 April 2013

How To Look Younger Through Skin Maintenance & Protection

Skin is one of the largest organ in humans. It covers almost 95% of your body. Skin is a vital component on how to look younger as it is the first component that people immediately notice when they see you. Therefore having a good flawless smooth skin is very important. As you age, there is a tendency for your skin to lose its elasticity and firmness. People usually associate elasticity and firmness with youth and vitality. If you want to know how to look younger, start protecting and maintaining the health and appearance of your skin. It does make a huge difference to how you look as you age.

How do i maintain a smooth and flawless skin?

1) Diet

I cannot stress enough how diet plays a huge role in the health and appearance of your skin. Try to avoid eating fried food as they tend to make your skin oily, and may cause breakouts and pimples. Drinking enough water is also crucial as it can maintain your skin's firmness. What you put into your body can affect the appearance of your skin. So start eating more fruits and vegetables if you want healthy skin! Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided as they dehydrate the skin and cause it to lose its elasticity. Focus on adding foods rich in Omega-3, Vitamin C, A, and E to your diet. Omega-3 found in seafood, increases the production of collagen and elastin needed to keep the skin moist and youthful looking.Food is the most important aspect on maintaining a good skin and teaching you on how to look younger.

2) Avoid the sun!

Suntanning is one of the worst way to get a good skin. Sun tanning has been proven to cause degeneration of skin cells and premature ageing in mankind. Many caucasians love to stay on the beach and sun tan, but it is actually bad for your skin. It is also a leading cause for skin cancer. While getting some sunlight may be good for your skin, you shouldnt expose yourself to too much sunlight.

3) Managing your stress!

Stress and skin condition are interlinked. Stress causes the production of oil under the skin and can cause acne and breakouts. Stress also releases unhealthy hormones that make you worry. While i understand that it is inevitable to prevent stress in a world like today, we should minimize it and just stay positive in every aspect of our lives. Why harm our body for something that isnt worth for?

4) Exercise

Exercise is good not only for your health, but also aids in blood circulation. It circulates more blood and oxygen surrounding your body, including your skin, which is necessary for its proper function. Through the circulation of oxygen and nutrients around the body, it helps to radiate a glowing complexion to your skin. Exercising also relieves stress and removes toxic from your body!

5) Wash your face regularly

Wash your face before bed time and in the morning, as well as in between the day when you feel you need to. Washing your face clears off the dirt and debris off your face, and make your face look brighter and clearer. It is important to wash your face carefully and gently, not to forcefully that it causes scars or scratches. Use a face wash that is suited for your skin type.Cleansing your face appropriately is one of the ways on how to look younger.

6) Facial & Spa

To maintain a good skin complexion, you also need to pamper it regularly. Treat yourself to facial and spa sessions to rejuvenate from the long day's work. These will help relax your body and calms your skin and provides a brighter and clearer complexion to your overall appearance. Skin covers the entire body. Having a good skin speaks volumes of your disposition. Treat yourself to spa and facial if you want to how to look younger.

7) Avoid smoking

Smoking causes premature aging but the degeneration of your skin cells. Your skin starts to droop and you look years older. It has been mentioned repeatedly how harmful smoking is, and the effects and harm it can do your body. Likewise how smoking can also affect your skin condition. You develop wrinkles more easily and deprives your skin of the oxygen it needs. It also harm collagen and elastin in your body, which are responsible to give your skin its elasticity and firmness. Stop smoking if you want to know how to look younger.

Remember to protect and maintain your skin guys! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day! 

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