88 Natural Ways On How To Look Younger

Looking younger is becoming an important skill and asset that most people need. Gain back your confidence! Take actions now!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

How To Look Younger: Smoking VS Ageing

It has been repeatedly said that smoking is bad for your health, but many still do not know how smoking can also affect one's looks. Smoking can in fact make you look older than you are. Smoking is one of the worst way one can do to make him/herself look decades older. In fact, recent study has showed that an average person smoking half a pack of cigarette a day will look 10-15 years older than their peers who do not. While there are many harmful effects of smoking like cancer, high blood pressure and stroke, i will not be explaining those in detail but will be focusing more on how smoking will affect your chances on looking years younger. If you want to know how to look younger. read on further.

Smoking causes premature ageing of skin

Smoking causes one's skin to form wrinkles at a much faster rate. Some men who are in their 40s and smoke, may look like he is in his late 50s. The smoke from cigarette may also stick on your skin and causes yellowing of your skin. Moreover, smokers usually smell bad and many non-smokers tend to avoid staying too close to heavy smokers. Heavy smokers, especially women, have sagging skin after a certain age.

Also, smoking hampers blood supply, depriving of the skin the amount of oxygen and nutrients it needs. Thus, smokers usually neglect their skin of necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients from staying healthy. Over time, this can damage skin fibers and tissues, causing visible stretch marks in certain parts of the body.

Smoking causes hair loss

Harmful chemicals emitted from smoking, when interacting with the hair, may cause damage to hair follicles, resulting in early hair loss and greying hair. You can easily notice that many heavy smokers, especially will be bald by the time they are in their 40s. It is not uncommon. While it is true that men are more prone to hair loss than women, the latter can experience greying hair faster than men. Some people may choose to dye their hair, but this may further add on harmful chemicals to your hair roots and pores. It is best to avoid smoking at all costs!

Smoking causes watery and oxygen-deficient eyes

Do you notice that heavy smokers tend to have red puffy watery eyes? This can be caused by the harmful smoke produced when one is smoking. Also, since smoking disrupts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the organs in the body, the most notable signs that a 3rd part can see in a heavy smoker is through the eyes. Some heavy smokers may experience itching sensation around the eyes too. In certain situations, Nightly nicotine withdrawal can disrupt sleep patterns, causing bags or dark circles under the eyes.Over time, some patients may experience cataract issues. Having watery puffy red eyes is not only ugly, but it ages you externally!

Smoking deteriorates your teeth and gums

Many cigarette packs have shown smokers with decayed tooth and heavily damaged gums, but these have not stopped many smokers from doing so. Even though these images may seem rather disturbing, the addiction that heavy smokers have towards smoking is far greater than its temptation. Although some of these images may seem a little exaggerated, there is no denial that smoking does decay one's tooth over a period of time. Smoking also stains your teeth and causes yellowish appearance on your tooth.

To make matters worse, heavy smokers have a tendency to have deep pockets between teeth and gums. These effects will undoubtedly make you look like an older individual.

Having described the physical effects of smoking and how it will dampen your external looks to make you look a lot older, i hope many of you reading this will not smoke, or for those who are smoking to reduce your intake and eliminate smoking from your lifestyle. Smoking is just bad in overall for your health; it depletes your savings and cause you to look old!

Remember not to smoke people! To find out more about the ways on how to look younger, you can 'Like' us on facebook '88 Natural Ways To Look Younger' or visit our website at


You can also email us at 88naturalwaystolookyounger@gmail.com

Have a great day! 

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